by William Missouri Downs, produced in June 1997, directed by Christine Godin and performed by David Hutton, Sheilah Philip-Bradfield and Mac Smith.
by David Mamet, produced in August 1996, directed by David Coxwell and featuring Tommy Beaver as Edmond and Diane Bulan in multiple roles. Other cast members included Bonita Hanson, Alan Godin, Stephanie Keady, Randy Gist, Steve Misialek, Carl Bordeaux, Annie Johnson, Jessica Morelli, and Donald Gateley.
(one of Terrence McNally's one-acts), produced in February, 1996 along with "Next", directed by Christine Godin and performed by Ron Wittman, Alan Godin, Sue Adair, Frankie Krainz and Amy Walsh.
performed by Kathleen Bergman and Whitney Platt
a revue of hilarious satiric songs by Tom Lehrer, produced in September 1995, directed by Brad Zimmerman and performed by Kipp Simmons, Laure Ronnebaum-Cumley, Brad Zimmerman (accompanist), Nicole Dooley, and Bonita Hanson [not pictured].
Well, OK, here's one backstage with Bonnie!
(material adapted by Stephen Booser), produced in June 1995, directed by Stephen Booser included Donald Gateley, Jerrod Scott Sumner, and Christine Godin (shown in a rehearsal). Other cast members included Hank Rector, Gerald Snider, Tom Sakach, Larry Gorsuch, and Tyler Miller. This production was part of the 1995 JCCC Bloomsday celebration.
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Copyright © 1996-1998, Overland Stage Productions, Inc.
Last updated April 30, 1998